Wednesday 21 May 2014


Ok, here goes with the obligatory 'welcome to my blog' post....

I've been thinking about blogging for quite awhile now and while I am clearly not an innovator or early adopter, when it comes to the bloggersphere, I hope that I am not at the laggard end of the uptake bell-curve! My rather pathetic excuse is that I am really busy but the reality is more likely procrastination!

So why am I blogging, you may ask?
As a self-confessed introvert, there are a lot of thoughts floating around in my head as I ruminate my way through the day but the older and busier I get, the harder it is to remember the little 'thought-bubble gems' that occasionally meander their way through my musings. It so happened that one of these thought-bubble gems was - "write down your ideas so you don't forget them"! Not rocket-science, I know, and maybe not even worthy of being called a 'thought-bubble gem' but this is my motivation to overcome procrastination and create this blog - to jog my memory. And who knows, may be someone else might be interested in my ponderings too....

Why "Not Just Managing"?
I've working in healthcare for all my career and in senior management roles for over seven years now, but there is much more to life than that... I am a sports-lover, a bit of a health and fitness nut and a family man, so I think about health, well-being, running, cycling, fitness, sports, family, management and leadership and how all these might make up a meaningful and fulfilling life....